Stir-Fried Winged Beans With Ikan Bilis (Anchovy)

Crunchy winged beans crispy savory Anchovy

Winged Beans are one of the most unique-looking beans; it has four winged edges, thus sometimes, referred to as ‘four-angled beans’ and have the most crunchy pods. This high-protein bean is not only delicious but also processes many other nutritious benefits (Google and U’ll see). The Malay, in particular, served this raw. On its own, the Winged Beans are really quite bland, almost tasteless with a little bitterness, so to enhance its flavor; ‘Sambal Belacan‘ (Chili Shrimp Paste) is a popular flavor’s condiment – here’s the link to “Stir-Fry Sambal Winged Beans (四角豆)“. However, what is presented here is another simple quick way to prepare this aromatic crunchy bean with the addition of Ikan Bilis (Anchovy). Here’s The VianD’s take on “Stir-Fried Winged Beans With Ikan Bilis (Anchovy).

Super simple but delicious crunchy savory beanS
the addition of the crispy savory deep-fried Ikan Bilis superly elevated the crunchy bean’s rather bland flavors with a little spiciness from the dried chili.

RɛsɪpI Stir Fried Winged Beans With Ikan Bilis (Anchovy)

Ready : 10 mins[ Prep : 05 mins † Active : 05 mins ]
Serves : Pair with other dishes
Generic : Blanch/Stir-Fried
Difficulty : Easy Printable Recipe


Winged Beans– A large bunch. Soak in water for a few minutes, thoroughly clean and cut at an angle of abt. a centimeter thick. If U a little particular like The VianD, take a peeler and lightly runs along the frilly edges to get rid of any wilted frills.

Other Condiments – Finely chopped Garlic, sliced Onion, sliced Red Chili and some Dried Chili (cut to 1bt 1/2-inch long) and a large handful of Ikan Bilis (rinse and wash).

Seasoning – Light Soy, Oyster Sauce,  a pinch of Sugar and Salt, Sesame Oil and a dash of White Pepper. All to taste.

** Note : Just a dash/pinch of everything, if U prefer a stronger intensity of an ingredient/spice flavor, simply add a little extra of that ingredient/spice – no rocket scientific measurement here. Always taste your Seasoning !!! The trick is NOT the exact measurement, the trick is “to taste the Seasoning” and get ur preference balance of flavors !!!


Preparing the Eggs

• Start by bringing a pot of water to boil with some salt. Simply blanch the cut Winged Beans for a little while, about a minute and quickly run it thru tap water (to stop it from continuing to cook – U don’t want soggy Beans). Drained and set aside. This step is really optional but it will help get rid of the strong greenish taste which can be quite strong.

• Next, heat up some oil and deep-fry the Ikan Bilis till golden brown crispy. Set aside to drain excess oil.

• On medium/low heat sautés all the Other Condiments till aromatic. Next. crank up the heat, add the Winged Bean, add all the Seasoning Ingredients and Ikan Bilis. A few quick stirs/toss to incorporate everything thoroughly.


• Voila, your plate of simple quick aromatic crunchy spicy appetizing “Stir Fried Winged Beans With Ikan Bilis (Anchovy)” is ready to be served with other dishes.
~~* EnD *~~
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